Chronsulting was founded in December 2015 by Prof. Till Roenneberg with the aim to translate his experience of almost 50 years of clock and sleep research to the real world.
Prof. Till Roenneberg started to work on biological rhythms with Jürgen Aschoff at the age of 17. After studying Biology in Munich (LMU) and London (University College), he worked at Harvard. Over the past decades, Roenneberg investigated the human clock and sleep in the real world (the Human Sleep Project) at the Medical School of the LMU Munich, where he now is Professor Emeritus. He is currently President of the World Federation of Societies for Chronobiology (WFSC), and former President of the European Society for Rhythms Research (EBRS). Till Roenneberg is also an active member of the Society For Research On Biological Rhythms (SRBR).
Roenneberg has initiated and directed large national and international research networks and has received several international research prizes. He has published over 200 papers, which have been cited more than 15,000 times. His work and his knowledge has been captured in several of his books, “Wie wir ticken”, Dumont Verlag (2010); “Internal Time”, Harvard University Press (2012) and The “Right to Sleep” (“Das Recht auf Schlaf”) DTV (2019).
“Sleep does not take away from wake – it makes it possible”
Curriculum Vita - Roenneberg
1973-1979 Physics, Medicine and Biology (LMU Munich), graduation (Diploma) in zoology, genetics and biochemistry; 1980 Neuroscience of colour vision, University College, London; 1983; Graduation (Dr.rer.nat); 1993 Habilitation (Dr. med. habil.).
Scientific Positions
1979-1982 Research assistant, Medical Faculty LMU Munich; 1982-1985 Post-Doctoral period with Prof. J. Aschoff; 1983-1985 Lecturer, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich; 1985-1988 Postdoc (J.W. Hastings), Tutor, Teaching Fellow and Research Associate, Harvard; 1988-1993 Assistant Professor, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich; 1989-1995 Visiting Scholar, Harvard; 1993-2001 Associate Professor, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich; 1996-2002 Coordinator DFG-Center; 2001 full Professor, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich; 2001 Head of the Munich Centre for Chronobiology; 2002-2005 Director of the clinical education "Nervous system and Behaviour", Medical Faculty, LMU Munich; 2005-2007 Chair Gordon Conference for Chronobiology; 2005-2009 Chair of the research network "ClockWORK" (Daimler-Benz-Foundation); 2005-2011 Chair of the EU 6th Framework Programme (“EUCLOCK”); 2008-2012 Department Chair (Institute for Medical Psychology, IMP, Medical Faculty, LMU Munich); 2011 President of the World Federation of Chronobiological Societies; 2012-2015 President of the European Biological Rhythms Society; 2012-2019 Department Vice-Chair (IMP); 2012-2015; Visiting Professor Universidade Federal Rio Grande del Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil; 2016-Visiting Professor University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; 2018 Visiting Professor University of Padua, Italy; 2020 Visiting Professor Northwestern University, Chicago.
More than 200 scientific publications and two books; Impact Factor: > 925; >15,000 citations; H-index: 60; > 400 invited talks. Click here to see the list of publications
Awards & Prizes
1987 Harvard-Hoops Prize for "Excellence in Teaching”; 1993 Honma Prize of the University of Sapporo for "Outstanding contributions to the field of chronobiology”; 1998 "Aschoff's Ruler" - Research Prize; 2004 Die "Rose des Kurt-Huber-Gymnasiums”; 2004 Silver Medal of the University of Munich for outstanding achievements in teaching; 2011 Professional Lighting Design Recognition Award for Research and Education; 2013 Science Book award of the British Medical Association Board for the Public Understanding of Science; 2016 Italian Science Book prize (Premio letterario Galileo 2016); 2018 Innovation in Academia Award (University of Kent); 2019 Honorary member for live of the Working Time Society; 2019 German Sleep Foundation Award: “Ambassador for Sleep”